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West London Battalion

The world's longest-serving church-based uniformed youth organisation
1st Uxbridge Boys' Brigade
Boys only

Christ Church (Methodist URC
Redford Way
Middlesex UB8 1SN
Contact: Paul Edgeworth
Anchor Boys (age 5-8) Friday 5:15-6:15pm
Junior Section (age 9-11) Friday 6:30-8:00pm
Company Section (age 12-14) Friday 7:30-9:45pm
Senior Section (age 15-18) Friday 7:30-9:45pm
We offer:
Figure Marching / Drill
A varied programme of Badge work and other activities
Church Parades on the 2nd Sunday of each month
We are the centre for Duke of Edinburgh Award (eD of E)
with qualified expedition training staff -
Section Weekends away
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